  • ready to use and comfortable ZFS storage appliance for iSCSI/FC, NFS and SMB
  • Active Directory support with Snaps as Previous Version
  • user friendly Web-GUI that includes all functions for a sophisticated NAS or SAN appliance.
  • commercial use allowed
  • no capacity limit
  • free download for End-User

  • Individual support and consulting
  • increased GUI performance/ background agents
  • bugfix/ updates/ access to bugfixes
  • extensions like comfortable ACL handling, disk and realtime monitoring or remote replication
  • appliance diskmap, security and tuning (Pro complete)
  • Redistribution/Bundling/setup on customers demand optional
please request a quotation.
Details: Featuresheet.pdf

Four Options to Setup a napp-it ZFS Storage Server

Option 1: napp-it barebone setup

Install your OS and napp-it manually

read napp-it.pdf

Step1: Setup your OS ex

Step 2: configure you network
enable DHCP or set a fixed ip

Step 3: setup the appliance
run the online installer

wget -O - | perl

Please set a password for root and napp-it now (only on permission error messages in 151028)!
passwd root and optionally passwd napp-it

You can now manage the storage server via: http://ip_of_your_server:81

Option 2: napp-it under ESXi (All-in-One, virtualised setup)

Preconfigured image as an ESXi template, virtualized NAS/SAN

read napp-in-one.pdf

Download images...

Option 3:  napp-it under Proxmox 
(All-in-One, virtualised setup)

Option 4:  napp-it cs (preview) en.html

more infos: click on your OS of choice

Configure your network and install napp-it via online command

 How much RAM do I need for the above setups

RAM for a ZFS filer has no relation to pool or storage size!

Calculate 2 GB for a 64bit OS, add 1-2 GB for a Solaris based filer and 3-4 GB for a BSD/Linux based filer for minimal read/write caching or ZFS can be really slow. RAM above depends on web-gui, numer of users or files, data volatility or wanted storage performance. Add more RAM for diskbased pools than SSD pools for a good performance.

Beside ZFS and performance, a web-gui wants RAM. A Solaris based ZFS filer with napp-it works with 4GB RAM but becomes faster with more so I suggest at least 6GB. Other web-guis suggest 16GB as minimum.

With napp-it cs I suggest 8 GB as minimum for the Windows machine where the frontend web-gui is running, 16GB if you additionally use ZFS on Windows on that machine.

For the ZFS filers that you want to manage with napp-it cs there is no additional RAM requirement for the server app what means that napp-it cs can manage a Solaris/Illumos based ZFS filer with 2-3 GB RAM and a BSD/Linux/OSX/Windows filer with 4-6 GB RAM  what should allow to manage even a small ARM filerboard remotely with a web-gui (with ZFS and Perl on it)


In case of problems, try a former BE, use the bootable backup disk or restore from image with clonezilla.
If you want disaster revovery based on a current backup, replicate current BE daily or hourly to your datapool.
To recover, do a minimal setup, restore that BE and boot into.

napp-it 22.04.2024