  • ready to use and comfortable ZFS storage appliance for iSCSI/FC, NFS and SMB
  • Active Directory support with Snaps as Previous Version
  • user friendly Web-GUI that includes all functions for a sophisticated NAS or SAN appliance.
  • commercial use allowed
  • no capacity limit
  • free download for End-User

  • Individual support and consulting
  • increased GUI performance/ background agents
  • bugfix/ updates/ access to bugfixes
  • extensions like comfortable ACL handling, disk and realtime monitoring or remote replication
  • appliance diskmap, security and tuning (Pro complete)
  • Redistribution/Bundling/setup on customers demand optional
please request a quotation.
Details: Featuresheet.pdf


napp-it cs for [m]any ZFS server or servergroups
Client-Server edition 
(Mar 2024)

Napp-it cs has two parts

1. The frontend management web-gui as client to manage a server or servergroup
Currently the frontend runs on Windows (Windows 10, Windows 11 or Windows server).
A future frontend web-gui version may run also on Linux, OSX or Solaris.  If you add
Open-ZFS on Windows,  you can manage this Windows ZFS server like all the other ZFS servers.

Software frontend requirement: Webserver with Perl, currently Xampp portable.
Installation: Not required, just download the ready to run software and start.

Start the frontend software: /xampp/web-gui-it/data/start_as_admin.bat
(right mouse click, run as admin)

The backend server part of the software is in /xampp/napp-it/data/cs_server.
or available as seperate download. Copy this folder cs_server to any location of the ZFS servers you want to manage.
(preferred location is a systemfolder like /var/web-gui/data as a future online setup/update will use this folder)

2. The backend server application
This is a Perl application that can runs on nearly any OS or NAS appliance.
Server tested on BSD (Free-BSD 14), Linux (Proxmox), OSX, Solaris/Illumos/SmartOS and Windows.

Installation: not required, just download and copy to any location of your (ZFS) server or NAS, either a system folder like
/var/web-gui or desktop (OSX, Windows) or a ZFS pool like tank/data, then start the software from a console as root/admin.
perl /path_to_appfolder/

Basic configuration:
Frontend client: Use menu ZFS Servergroup to add (ZFS) servers with an auth value that you want to manage.
Backend Server: only care that server.auth has the same content as the member file on Windows
Optionally edit with settings to restrict ip access, timeout or other settings.

Setup 1 2  (no step 3)

1. Download Open-ZFS 2.2.3 for Windows
(Only needed if you want to manage a Windows ZFS filer)

These are release candidates not final stables,
Check from time to time and use newest build!

For newer releases of Open-ZFS for Windows: Just install and reboot
Remember: Open ZFS on Windows is a beta under development.

Data on ZFS should be as save as on other Open-ZFS platforms and compatible
even when Windows crashes or BSOD happen.

If zfs and zpool are not found in a terminal, add path to zfs files manually
$env:path +='C:\Program Files\OpenZFS On Windows'

2. Download minimal with the napp-it cs web-gui app included
or download a regular Xampp and add the napp-it folder.

Download xampp minimal with newest napp-it cs preview included
uncompress folder xampp to c:\xampp

This is a minimal Xampp version with only Apache + Perl that is needed for napp-it cs.
If you additionaly want Filezilla, Mercury, mySQL or Tomcat, download a full Xampp portable,

If you already have Xampp (full)
Download newest napp-it nightly
uncompress folder web-gui to /xampp/web-guiit

If you only need the server part
Download newest napp-it cs preview
uncompress folder cs_server and copy to any location of your BSD, Illumos, Linux, OSX, Windows or Solaris ZFS server
(prefered system folder location is /var/web-gui/data) Open a root terminal and start via "perl path to cs_folder/"

newest infos: on windows.pdf

Update napp-it cs  to newest release, download

  unzip folder napp-it
- stop client software (Apache)
- delete c.\xampp\web-gui\data and replace data folder with newer version, start /xampp/web-gui/data/start_zfs-gui_as_admin.bat

Update a ZFS server, download

- unzip folder cs_srver
- stop server software
- copy over cs_server folder with newer version
Open a root terminal and restart via "perl path to cs_folder/"

or download Xampp directly and add the napp-it folder to /xampp

If you want to use a different folder than c:/xampp
You must execute "setup_xampp.bat". The paths in the configuration files will be adjusted with this step.

read: windows.html

Start the web-gui client software with a mouse right click on

and select run as administrator This starts Apache and the napp-it background services server, autojobs and monitor

On an error 'vcruntime140.dll' is missing (Server 2019 Minimal)
download from here:: redist.x64.exe

Open a Browser on Windows with adress http(s)://localhost

or from a remote client with the ip adress of Windows.
You need to allow remote access to Apache and Perl socketserver in your firewall..

About Xampp
 I decided to use Xampp portable as it offers a whole webserver suite with Apache, FileZilla ftp, MercuryMail, MariaDB, Perl, PHP, phpMyAdmin and sendmail. You can minimize size by deleting functions beside Apache and Perl.the Solaris kernelbased SMB server comes close. Combined with ZFS you have a dream team.

Main advantages of napp-it cs on Xampp.
It is a mobile „Copy and Run“ tool, no installation required
On Windows, simply download and start. Setup, Update or downgrade is a simple copy action.
Under development: Manage any ZFS server on any platform. Replicate between any.

Apache 2.4.58
Perl 5.32

the following parts of Xampp are not needed for a napp-it cs setup.
They are deleted in the minimal Xampp download.
MariaDB 5.4.32
PHP 8.2.12, 8.1.25 or 8.0.30
phpMyAdmin 5.2.1

How much RAM do I need for napp-it cs

RAM for a ZFS filer has no relation to pool or storage size!

Calculate 2 GB for a 64bit OS, add 1-2 GB for a Solaris based filer and 3-4 GB for a BSD/Linux based filer for minimal read/write caching or ZFS can be really slow. RAM above depends on web-gui, numer of users or files, data volatility or wanted storage performance. Add more RAM for diskbased pools than SSD pools for a good performance.

With napp-it cs I suggest 8 GB as minimum for the Windows machine where the frontend web-gui is running,  16GB if you additionally use ZFS on Windows on that machine.

For the ZFS filers that you want to manage with napp-it cs there is no additional RAM requirement for the server app what means that napp-it cs can manage a Solaris/Illumos based ZFS filer with 2-3 GB RAM and a BSD/Linux/OSX/Windows filer with 4-6 GB RAM  what allows to manage even a small ARM filerboard remotely with a web-gui (you only need ZFS and Perl on it)

Current state of napp-it cs:
First beta basic Disk, Pool, vdev ,snap and job management
with newest Open-ZFS 2.2.3 features like draid or raid-z expansion.

Is it free?

Yes, for private noncommercial homeuse.
Those who use it for work need a Pro version to pay for development
see en.html


check issue tracker  or on windows first release candidate/

SMB performance aspects

SMB direct with RDMA to ZFS, first impressions

First impressions with SMB direct (RDMA) and 100G nics under Server 2019 free

(in German, use Chrome to translate on the fly)

extend napp-it with private menues

If you want to manage Xampp or other services via private napp-it menues (update/downgrade safe):

- create a private menu folder 1nn_xx in /xampp/[napp-it]/_my/menues  for example 102_my_first_menue
- place a file with your menu actions within, see other examples under _my/menues

Typical structure of a napp-it menu script.
1. collect all relevant infos into a Perl hash ex %current
   you can display hash state via &print_hash(%current);
   like i do in menu ZFS Filesystems > data zfs
2. interact with user to manage settings
3. execute  commands via &exe("powershell command"); with admin permissions.

To debug a script, use &mess($x), &print_var($x); &print_array(@x) or &print_hash(%x);

To edit Perl scripts, use the DZsoft Perl editor (now free)


Jan. 22: Menu ZFS filesystem with smb share enable/ disable
Jan 23 Menu filesystems with option to configure drivelatter
Jan 26 Sharing in menu ZFS filesystem basically ok
Jan 26b: Skip Windows System disk as available for ZFS
Jan 26d: Menu Pools and Filesystem basically ok, not all functions tested,
       you can hide disks in Settings foe Windows only use
Jan 28a/28b improvements in menu Pools and Filesystems
Menu Disks, Pools, Filesystems and Snaps basically ok
Feb 03 Property like atime, nbmand or readonly: ok
(require unmount/ remount cycle)
Feb 10 Special and dedup vdevs stat in menu Pools
napp-it is now portable regarding path and web-gui name, you can keep versions
like /xampp/napp-it and /xampp/napp-it2. Start wanted version with /xampp/napp-it(n)/data/start_web-gui_as_admin,bat

Feb 12b first beta
jobs now working (scrub, snap and other)
new menu System with kstat and registry infos
Support for draid and raid-z expansion

Feb 15a
Some pool level properties can be currently changed via CLI only
Despite some tunings, napp-it gui is slower on Windows than Solaris

Feb 20
Napp-it can manage a group of ZFS server, currently Windows
but there are plans to manage BSB, Linux and OSX ZFS servers as well.

Feb 25
OmniOS ok with many filesystems or snaps
Disk detection basically working on OmniOS/Solaris

Feb 26:
napp-it cs runs with OmniOS,  LInux and Windows as members

Mar 20
Jobs like Scrub or Snap can be started remotely from the Windows client
Large data transfers (up to 5M) like ZFS property or Snap lists
Server: Just copy to any location and run

Mar. 25
Start work on remote jobs like snap scrub, replicate

Remote/Remote replication
not completely ready but basically working

Apr 02
Replikation on remote hosts
- ok local/local
- ok on some combinations remote/remote, fails on others

Apr 05
- Replication between members ok (beside Windows)

newest infos: on windows.pdf

napp-it 10.04.2024